
Friday, March 14, 2008

An acute cervical spondylosiol case

Ms. Y, 45 2007-09-25

She has left hand tingling and numbness for two months, sharp burning pain for over 10 days.

The numbness appeared on the early August, tried western medicine but no effect. The pain started on the whole left arm on the early September, anti-inflammatory and painkiller didn’t work. She had X-ray at that time, reported degeneration on the C4, 5. Sept. 14 morning, the pain suddenly increased to unbearable, found nowhere to put the arm, and totally could not sleep. She been off work since last week, visited a chiropractor every day. After 3 days treatments, she felt a little better, and then it got even worse.

Now, there is burning pain on the ulnar side of left arm. No extension of the neck, hard to lie face down. No left triceps tendon reflex. The left ulnar skin is more sensitive. Pulse is thin and rapid, and tongue is reddish with peeled coating in the centre.


1) Electric therapy on lower cervical part 20’; acupuncture on right Leique, Wangu

2) Tuina on the shoulders (press Yunmen); acupuncture on left Yanglao (0.18*13mm, cold reducing); press Zhaohai

3) No spicy foods


After last treatment, for half hour there was nearly no pain then came back but reduced. Now, there is sore pain on the left ulnar arm, numbness on the ulnar fingers. Neck still cannot move freely. Didn’t go chiropractor.

X-ray pictures:

C5 Luschka joint sharp (both); C4, C5 vertebra slight moved backwards, increased C6~7 rear space; Narrow right C4~5, C5~6, C7~T1 foramen, especially C4~5 reduced to half; narrow left C4~5, C5~6, C7~T1foramen, C7~T1 reduced to half.

Impression: C8 never is stimulated.


1) Electric therapy 25’; acupuncture on right Yanglao (0.25*25mm), Zhongzhu (0.18*13mm)

2) Tuina left shoulder and arm, Qian neck (slight crack on the middle cervical vertebrae


Next day after last treatment, she went to the CT scan. After that the pain increased (posture related?). Numbness and pain on the left ulnar arm and hand, soreness on the elbow and shoulder. The lower nape is tight.


1) Electric therapy on both sides of C6~7; acupuncture on left Wangu, Zhongzhu, Shouwuli, right Yanglao; press Zhaohai

2) Press Quepen, Yunmen (both)

3) Tuina on neck and shoulders (face up), Qian and slight Yao (cracks on C5~6)

[No numbness on the hand, but still worrying]


Pain was greatly reduced. Feels numb on the ulnar and back of left hand. The hand is easier feeling cold than the right one. There is soreness on the left elbow. Not completely comfortable during sleep. Motion is increased on the neck, but extension still causes tightness. She nearly finished her anti-inflammatory. Tight muscles on both of C7~T1, pain on lower left scapula.


1) Tuina on nape (face down); acupuncture on C7~T1 (both); Ganshu (both); left lower scapula

2) Electric therapy on C7~T1; acupuncture on left Yemen

3) Qian neck, Tuina on arms

[No numbness on palm, still numb on ring and little finger]


After this treatment, the pain and stiffness disappeared, she went back work later, but the numbness on the fingers remained. Got 4 more treatment, no change of numbness, others are normal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you from peter